Saturday, October 25, 2008

Five Fabulous Reasons to Have a Kid!

While I was shopping the other day with my favorite shopping buddy I came to the conclusion that it is pretty cool to have a child. It is great for obvious reasons like he is this precious little person and we have been given this awesome responsibility to love him and raise him to be a responsible caring adult (and of course a few other adjectives). Then there are those selfish reasons that make having a child great so I have created a list of them.

1. As I was strolling through the store I thought, "This bulky mode of transportation could really do some damage if somebody got in our way." I must admit that my impatience isn't appropriate, but some people are so annoying to shop around. How many times do I have to give my "get out of the way look" for them to simply just get out of the way? A few taps from the stroller at the back of the heals will light a fire under them. Now you be don't have to ram them, just a few bumps will do.

The stroller is great for storage too. When I didn't have a child I didn't carry around anything while I was shopping, but now I have a cup holder on this stroller. It makes my shopping experience much more delightful with a diet pepsi. Perfect for those thirsty moments while we are racing through the mall between feedings. I can also hang clothes on the stroller so that means I can get more in the dressing room. Having this stroller also means that I get a bigger dressing room at the Gap. Perfect!

2. Shopping with Noah is great for various reasons. First he always loves everything I try on. He doesn't look at me weird when the clothes don't fit exactly the way they should. He just grins. I wonder what he is really thinking. Second he is always up for anyplace I want to shop. He just goes with the flow.

3. I think people smile more when you have a baby with you. Babies are cute in general, but with Noah we get a lot of buzz because he has so much hair. It's nice to have people smile and grin when they see him coming.

4. People are generally more helpful when they see that you have a baby. They get the door for you and sometimes will even trade spots with you in a long shopping line.

5. You always have someone to talk to when you have a baby. True they can't use words to express themselves, but Noah finds his ways to communicate just fine when he needs something.

This list could go on and on so if you would like to give your reasons please feel free.


Mairead Elizabeth Hickok said...

Sounds like you have a great little shopping buddy there! There are so many great things about being a mom, and these little perks are no exception!

John and Michelle said...

Exactly! :)

Anonymous said...

Number 1.... reminds me of something, once upon a time there was 2 people in the hannaford store, while i was taking my time doing the shopping this lady ram my basket, so i just took my cart and ram her only alittle harder did she ram me by then both of us were mad and the third lady who has been watching us was red in the face her mouth wide open and took off running in the other direction, well My daughter michelle and i laugh so hard about that poor lady, she probably still running in the other direction, Dad.

John and Michelle said...

Ha ha Dad! :)