Monday, September 22, 2008

So long summer!

Summer is officially over. Writing that makes me so sad. Some people look forward to the fall but not me. It just means that winter is around the corner. I love the summer and everything about it. I love the hot weather, swimming in the pool, my birthday, ice cream, hot dogs and the warm summer nights. Next summer I have a few things to look forward to...

-teaching Noah how to swim and the art of sunbathing and how to not disturb his mommy when she is sunbathing. No task is too great. I think I can teach him.

-teaching Noah how to lick an ice cream cone from my favorite ice cream place-Rainbow Delights.

-our birthdays!

-vacation. We are going somewhere next summer.

-shorts. I hope I can fit into some of my old shorts, not that I minded the maternity shorts because they were really comfy.

-a nice tan.

-a deck for the pool. Please build us one Johnny.

-flip flops-need I say more?

So I say farewell to summer and all of its fun memories. It's time for me to prepare myself and Noah for the dreadful winter months. Winter gets kinda lonely in our house because John is either snowmobiling or plowing snow. This winter he thinks he is going to strap the baby bjorn on and take our son snowmobiling. I don't think so, but I will keep you posted.


Mairead Elizabeth Hickok said...

Sounds like you guys have a lot to look forward to! We are trying to enjoy every bit of fall before the winter comes. Hope you all do, too!

Michael's Loving Family said...

You'll learn to love every season with Noah - because he'll be so excited about all the fun the new seasons bring. Well, let's hope so!

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle,
I must say I have to agree with you, I hate to see summer go too for a lot of the same reasons!
Look at the bright side, you get to dress Noah up in a Halloween costume this year, how cute is that! You can also pull him around in a sled this winter (no Johnny not a snowmobile sled!)He will be old enough before you know it! It will be his first Christmas and he gets to look all handsome for his photo. You have a year full of FIRST things, enjoy every moment!-Rose