Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dear Noah

Snoring never sounded so sweet! John is resting on the couch as I am typing this and usually when he snores I shout to him to stop or give him a little shove; not today though. Today I am enjoying seeing his red truck parked in the driveway and loving the fact that he is snoring on the couch, and I don't even mind that it is "my" couch that he is on.

What brings me to say all of this? Well for the past 2 months or so John has been working so hard on the Sandy Treadwell campaign. He has spent hours working tirelessly to bring Sandy to victory. Unfortunately Sandy was not elected, but I really don't want to focus on that in this blog entry. What I really want to focus on is the hard work that John put into the campaign. Hopefully this blog will be around when Noah is old enough to read so he can read the letter below.

Dear Noah,

Today is Wednesday, November 5th 2008 -the day after election day. What makes this day so important? Well for the last two months your dad has been working so hard on the Sandy Treadwell campaign. You don't know Sandy and right now that isn't even important. What is important is the fact that you have an amazing dad who is an incredibly hard worker. He devoted so much of his time and effort to help another person. He spent many hours working well into the evening to try to get the job done. There were a lot of times that I missed him, but deep down I knew that this was something your dad wanted to do and more importantly made a commitment to do.

Commitment is important to your dad. Noah your dad is very committed to things that he believes in. You will learn that about him and it will probably be something that you respect and love most about him. Your dad will always work hard to give you a good life and he will always stay committed to his family and our needs.

I am really excited about the election being over because now your dad is going to be home more. That means he can spend a lot of time with you and me. We are going to commit ourselves to making sure that you grow up in a loving environment focusing on bringing you up in a home that is committed to loving God and His son Jesus.

Hopefully by the time you can read this you know how important our commitment to faith and family is. We are going to continue to teach you the importance of staying in it when you win and when you don't because when you have made a commitment to something, you follow through until the job is done.




Anonymous said...

This is one of the best letters i have read that you gave to your son, about his dad, nice work.

John and Michelle said...

Thanks anonymous! Hopefully he will appreciate it one day.

Anonymous said...

It was a great experience and really missed you guys so I can't wait to be home more. Thanks you for the letter to Noah it was truly amazing.

None of the commitment is possible without your support. Thank you so much and I love you both...


John and Michelle said...

Aww we love you too.