Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Happiest Thanksgiving!

Every Thanksgiving the family gets together to share our blessings over the past year. John and I usually sit down at the computer to type our blessings away early Thanksgiving morning. God has always been so good to us. So you can probably guess what I (we) are most thankful for this year; that would be our new addition, Noah. It shouldn't be hard to sit down at the computer tomorrow and write about what a blessing it has been these past three months with Noah. There are so many simple things that I am thankful for like...

smiles-I love that toothless grin he gives me when he hears my voice.

giggles-Love it when he giggles as I am undressing him.

bath time splashing-He is so happy in the tub kicking away.

stares-I love the way he stares at us. His eyes follow us across the room.

sleeping-Nothing beats watching your little one fast asleep.

singing-He is probably the only one that doesn't mind when I sing to him. I think deep down inside he knows his mom could win American Idol.

When John and I had a miscarriage last year we were devastated and I thought I would never be able to get pregnant again. Not because of any complications but because I just thought I would never be able to have a baby. Thankfully God had other plans for us. He knew all along that He would be sending Noah our way. I must say He sent us quite a big package too. So this Thanksgiving I am so happy and thankful that Noah is here and healthy. What could be better than that? Happy Thanksgiving!!


Michael's Loving Family said...

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankful for each and everyday but some years we have those special blessings that just simply outshine the others! Amen!

John and Michelle said...

So true! :)