Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Social Networking, Not So Much...

I have been doing some serious thinking about taking a break from Facebook. This social networking thing isn't working out the way I had hoped it would. This afternoon I arrived at an appointment a few minutes early. When I sat down to wait for my service my body responded the way that it normally does when I have a free minute-I reached for my phone. I quickly realized that I left my phone in the car. Great, I thought to myself. What am I going to do for the next 10 minutes if I can't check Facebook? And then it hit me. When did I become so pathetically infatuated with Facebook? Before I signed on to Facebook, what in the world did I do with myself? Well for starters I was thinner. I wasn't sitting all night long playing bejeweled blitz and browsing through everyone else's photos. I was walking the dogs, cleaning the house (I still do this so this one doesn't really count), reading, shopping (not so sure I am going to be able to resume that activity)....

Don't get me wrong I love Facebook. Where else can you be completely nosy without anyone finding out that your being nosy?You know you love stalking too. I love being a wall post away from my family that I don't see on a regular basis and catching up with old friends has been great too. But when I weigh the benefits of Facebook I am not convinced that it always has my best interest in mind. I am sensitive, something that I never really thought I was. But my feelings get hurt really easily and to be honest I have read posts that haven't settled well with me (I am sure I am guilty of doing the same thing). And then I perseverate on that post and read it over and over until I am annoyed beyond belief. Then I get John involved and complain to him which just keeps this silly cycle going. And don't even get me started on the friend request dilemma. Questions like, should I request this person as a friend? Will they accept? If they don't accept, does that mean they don't like me? Ugh, as if making friends isn't hard enough, the people that are supposed to be your friends ignore you. Pretty pathetic! I am sure this doesn't even cross some people's minds or that it just rolls right off their back. Unfortunately it sticks with me like a new pair of Spanx.

So I think that for right now the best thing for me is break this cycle by staying off Facebook for awhile. I am not sure how long this will last or quite honestly if I have the willpower to do it. But I am willing to give it a try. I'll let you know how it goes. Here goes!


meri0311 said...

I still love you and will be waiting for you on facebook when/if you return. XOXO.

Michael's Loving Family said...

Michelle, I had some issues with facebook posts that have sparked frustration, anger, and at one point a fight with my husband. When that happened that was where I drew the line in the sand. The problem wasn't facebook as much as it was the posts I was reading or reading in to. I too took action and had to defriend lots of people and now I just hide their posts, so I'm not subjected to their ignorance and outright stupidity. Once I cleaned house, so to speak, I felt much better and enjoy catching up with my students, family, and high school classmates. It's like everything in life ~ what you make it. If it's not working, change it. Only you can.

I think I'll go hit the treadmill now that I'm done checking in on everyone! Hope you have a great day! :-)

Anonymous said...

michelle, I have been struggling the same battle. I think it's best when we realize the issue and choose to walk away. If truth be told I'm sure we are all in the same boat. Thank you for sharing your stronghold. I have been thinking of deleting my account. Just for the sake of more time! Maybe if we all would get off facebook and spend the time with our friends we might actually resume a healthier lifestyle. Maybe we could plan a time to get together?