Thursday, April 2, 2009

Johnny, Shell and Noah

It has been 7 months since John and I welcomed Noah into this world yet for some reason it seems like ages ago. Seven months really isn't a long time when you think about it. But strangely enough I really feel like he has been part of our lives since the beginning of Johnny and Shell time (that is when John first laid eyes on me and knew he couldn't live one day without me). People often ask us how parenthood is going. Here is what I or we could say on any given day.

- Love it!
- Tiring
- Amazing
- Busy
- Fun
- Life-changing
- Simple (sometimes we feel really brave)

Sometimes I wonder how me manage to get it all done. You know, work, family time, dinner and all of the other things that pertain to life. However, when I look at Noah I can't imagine our hectic life any different. I can't imagine just a Johnny and Shell. It's Johnny, Shell and Noah.


Mairead Elizabeth Hickok said...

What a great picture of your family! Noah is beautiful and he is getting so big! It is amazing to watch them grow- thanks for sharing!

lisa said...

the part about there never being just a you and Johnny is so true once your children enter your lives! and the more children, the better your lives!

John and Michelle said...

This picture is actually from Thanksgiving so Noah is so much bigger. He is so heavy. He weighs about 24 lbs now. Lisa, it's so true about life getting better with Noah in it. Kids make life interesting. :)