I love being a mom to my two boys. But at times, lately too much I am faced with the challenge of questioning whether I measure up to those super moms. You know, those moms that have it all together-their house is perfect, their children are obedient... ALL of the time. If you know one, run far away in the opposite direction. On the outside it seems as though they can juggle it all. I am no where near the super mom status. My house isn't perfect. My children aren't perfect and I certainly fall short when it comes to parenting them perfectly. So why do I even try to compare myself to them?
Did mention I hate comparisons? I hate feeling like I don't measure up or even worse that my children don't measure up. I try really hard not to compare my children to other children. They are who they are each uniquely different and for that I am eternally grateful.
In a week or so I will be back in the classroom trying to do it all and keep it all together perfectly. Well, as perfectly as it can be in an imperfect world. I am going to constantly remind myself that my definition of super mom is much different that what the world defines as super mom. And if I am not so super all of the time that's okay too. These guys are convinced that I am super and I love that they don't compare me to anyone.